Клуб выпускников МГУ (Московский Государственный Университет)

Хотите жить дольше? 3 основных секрета

Want to Live Longer? Do This! - PART ONE
Don't miss this exclusive video series LIVE from The Longevity Now® Conference September 2011 where Dr. Dave Woynarowski reveals the 80-20 rule and what factors determine how your genes express themselves....How to prevent free radical damage by creating superior cellular health with THIS important nutrient...The most important part of your cell that you should be nourishing (and it is NOT the nucleus)...and so much more!


Страница сайта http://www.moscowuniversityclub.ru
Оригинал находится по адресу http://www.moscowuniversityclub.ru/home.asp?artId=12524